EPISODE 31 | How She Uses Airtable with Lanie Lamarre

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Airtable is a system that allows you to see all the information in one place, how you want to see it, and how you and your team understand it the best. My guest today, Lanie Lamarre from Miss #GSD, helps overwhelmed service-based bosses quit crying in the shower. She shows her clients how to use systems in a way that their time, energy, and focus are aligned to their actual goals and desires. One of the ways she helps her clients with this is by using Airtable.

Lanie found that it was just a vicious cycle for her clients coming back to her every two or three months because they were stuck thinking in the employee mindset of tasks and checklists. She wanted to create a way to break people out of that bad cycle, so that they could actually plan and strategize like a boss. Airtable gave her a platform to create a planning system for them to just do that.

Today, we talk about:

  • What Airtable is and what you can do with it

  • Her 3 favorite things about Airtable that work well for your business

  • What programs Airtable integrates with

  • What you can do this week to start using and integrating Airtable into how you’re already running your business

    Grab Your Free Download of Lanie’s Airtable Base!

About Lanie Lamarre

Lanie Lamarre from Miss #GSD, helps overwhelmed service-based bosses quit crying in the shower. The thing is that you're doing a lot in your business - in fact, you're probably DOING so much that you stopped tapping into what you got into this to HAVE and BE in the first place. Her approach is to show you how to use systems in a way that your time, energy and focus are aligned to your actual goals and desires.

Check Lanie Out Online: Website | Instagram | Youtube


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