EPISODE 29 | How She Makes Sales with Renee Hribar

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For many virtual support professionals, sales conversations are not second nature. My guest today, Renee Hribar, explains how there is something missing when it comes to online sales, and what we can do about it. She is a sales coach who has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services and has also trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic sales coach who leads with the heart.

When we first met, I was looking for a sales coach for introverts to do guest training for my mastermind program and she was recommended by no less than ten people. Now, I know why! Her enthusiasm is absolutely magnetic. Hear what she has to say about making sales, and about connecting with and converting potential paying clients, both online and in person.

Today, we cover:

  • What cycle of events that has to happen to get to know them first

  • How connecting and selling are not separate

  • The importance of upselling

  • How to connect with potential paying clients in a genuine way

  • Tips on what you can do today to generate more leads, increase your close rate, and get better at sales overall

    Grab Your Free Download of Renee’s Zero to Sales Training!

About Renee Hribar

Renee Hribar has been a sales professional since 1994 in New York. She has sold millions of dollars in products and services and trained thousands to sell for the first time. She is known in her industry as a fun, energetic executive sales coach who leads with heart. A TedX speaker who offers training sessions at global conferences, she skillfully breaks down her decades of sales expertise exclusively for you inside of this free training. With her one-of-a-kind "laugh & learn" teaching style, you will certainly walk away with a new view on the "softer side of sales".

Check Renee Out Online: Website | Facebook | Instagram


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