EPISODE 87 | How She Built a 6-Figure Business Almost Entirely on Referrals with Amy Lockrin

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It’s probably no mystery to you that word-of-mouth is one of the most common ways that people grow their business! While there are so many job search platforms and social media groups that are great resources, never underestimate the power of a good old fashioned referral. Think about how referrals have impacted your own life. Have you ever been in need of a service, or an idea, or a product, and had someone who you trust make a recommendation? Or maybe someone close to you has asked you for your help. You wouldn’t recommend something to your family member or your bestie (or maybe even your own client!) unless you KNEW that it was the absolute best and that they were going to love it. This is how you want people to feel about working with you! But is there something that we can do to increase our chances of getting those referrals? The answer is yes! 

We are diving into this in today’s episode, and joining us is CEO Amy Lockrin, who is going to share her zone of genius with us on all of her referral strategy secrets. With Amy’s company, The Operations House, she and her team offer one-on-one coaching, system implementation, project management, and so much more - from basic to the most intensive processes! And the best part is that she built her six-figure business from the ground up, and almost completely off of referrals alone! If outbound marketing is not your forte, and you want to know the best way to get people talking while you sit back and focus on what's really important to you, then today’s episode is for you! 

We talk about:

  • Scaling your business utilizing the clients you already have

  • What a referral strategy is and how to implement one

  • The first step towards increasing your referrals today

Grab Your Free Download of Amy’s Goal Setting Workbook!

About Amy Lockrin

After 12+ year of climbing the corporate ladder, she threw caution to the wind and branched out on her own to help entrepreneurs take the next steps towards growing their own businesses. She is 100% strategies-focused so that her clients can stop worrying about the small details and start focusing on the big picture—and their profits.

She has a fierce love for to-do lists and nachos. When she’s not strategizing for businesses you can find her with her family who consists of her husband, her son Wyatt and daughter McKinley, and their two dogs Gluten and Harvey.

Check Christina Out Online:Website | Instagram | Facebook


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