EPISODE 86 | How She Writes Emails So Good They Lick the Screen with Kate Doster

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In today’s episode, we are talking about all things email related! Emails are such an essential part of your marketing strategy because it’s the most direct way for you to connect with your audience and it really gives you the opportunity to build an authentic relationship with those who are reading. Sure you can post on social media, but you never really know who’s looking at your content, and an even smaller percentage of those people are actually engaging with you! If you send an email, you know it’s going to pop into your subscriber’s inbox. But even that is only half the battle! You want to make sure your audience is actually opening your emails, reading them, and clicking on your call to actions, and most importantly, you want them to avoid that dreaded “unsubscribe” button like the plague! Now, you may have some questions before you click “send.” For example, how often is too often to send? What if you have to actually write emails not only for your business but for other clients as well? And the copy is one thing, but what about the visuals? We want our emails to not only sound good but look great too! 

Here to give us the answers to all of these questions and so much more is email extraordinaire Kate Doster. Not only did she start her own freelance copywriting business, but she has also created online courses, ebooks, and coaching packages all about email marketing, copywriting, tech, and online businesses! And on top of that (as if that wasn’t enough) she has a podcast called Inbox Besties that you should definitely check out if you still want to learn more about email marketing after listening to today’s episode! 

We talk about:

  • Having fun with your email list (who knew this was a thing?!)

  • The process of writing emails or copy for someone else

  • What questions to ask the person who you’re writing for (or questions to ask yourself)

  • One thing you can do this week to improve your emails

  • Kate’s free mini-course of copywriting hacks!

Grab access to Kate’s Copywriting Mini-Course!

About Kate Doster

Kate Doster, the host of the Inbox Besties Podcast, create of the Love Your List 2.0 email marketing mega course and is dangerously obsessed with helping ethical entrepreneurs carve out their slice of the interwebs by wooing the hearts (and wallets) open of their small but mighty audiences thanks to fun email marketing and easy yes offers.

She believes you don’t need to bleed the alphabet or be a dirty rotten spam face to write emails that jolt subscribers into taking action, gobbling up your paid offers like candy… or kale if that’s their thing.

Check Christina Out Online:Website | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest


EPISODE 87 | How She Built a 6-Figure Business Almost Entirely on Referrals with Amy Lockrin


EPISODE 85 | How She Earns Media Coverage with Christina Nicholson