EPISODE 79 | How She Connected Purpose and Intention to Her Brand with Maranda Joiner

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Whether you are just starting out in your journey to entrepreneurship, or you’ve had years of experience, you have probably been told at one time or another that it’s important to “build your brand.” But do you know the reason behind why it is so important to not only build your brand authentically but to stick to it? Well, if you need a refresher, then you’ll definitely want to check out today’s episode. Your brand is something that you should live and breathe when it comes to your business, and therefore something you should really be in love with! I know - that sounds major, right? So how do you even get started?! Think about some of your favorite brands. What is it that you love about them? What draws you in and what makes you stay? Having an authentic brand that truly speaks to who you are is the first step towards building an authentic audience! 

Joining us today is brand strategist, Maranda Joiner. She has created a 3 session branding process that is designed to refresh any business. Maranda speaks about branding from a foundation of mindset and an authentic connection to purpose. She teaches entrepreneurs how to create a brand they love, and shows them how to date their target audience by making them fall in love as well! So remember, if you feel as though your brand is not quite “all together” in the way that you really want it to be - that’s okay! It’s never too late to re-brand. Sit down and brainstorm, start fresh, and create a strategy and a plan. (It’s not just all about logos and colors!!!)

We talk about:

  • Purpose and intention and what that means in terms of branding.

  • How to discover your “why” and use it to find “your people.”

  • What about your website will make people feel connected.

  • What you can do today to start building a more focused connection in your brand.

About Maranda Joiner

Maranda Joiner is a Jackson, MS native, and mother of a "newborn teenager." From 2003 - 2017 she worked off and on at WJMI as an on-air personality. Including a stint on the Morning Show for 3 1/2 years. She is the co-creator and host of Synergy Nights, a bi-weekly open mic that includes a live band and live painting. Recently, she has stepped into the world of entrepreneurship as a Brand Strategist. In short, she helps other entrepreneurs, and creatives get to the next level by connecting to their purpose and audience through branding. She also has consulted and served as the brand manager for talent placing them in position to perform at Essence, on Comedy Central and TruTV. Maranda has been featured on WJTV news giving branding tips and has even hosted a TEDx Talk. 

Check Maranda Out Online: Website | Instagram | Facebook


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