EPISODE 44 | How She Grew Her Business with Shelagh Cummins

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Have you ever felt stuck in your business? Usually, periods of “stuckness” (yes, that’s a real word) happen right around the time we’re about to up-level.  Without even realizing it, we block ourselves from our business blessings and often make it so much harder than it needs to be.

Our guest today, Shelagh Cummins, is not only a Business Coach, she’s my business coach and she’s the perfect person to talk us through the 5 Barriers to Business Growth.  Shelagh and I walk through the common themes she sees when people are stuck and how to create “power moves” to break through the barriers and hit your next level.  

In this episode, we chat about…

  • Money/Time: One is unlimited and one infinite. When we think about them backwards, we create problems! 

  • Discomfort: How allowing yourself to feel the discomfort and then move anyway creates bold action.

  • Trust & Vulnerability: Asking for help and hiring...ugh! It’s hard!

  • Excuses as Facts: How our mind is our biggest limit and what to do to overcome our limiting beliefs.

Take Shelagh’s Free Quiz to See What’s Your Next Business Move!

About Shelagh Cummins

Shelagh Cummins is a Business Coach, Consultant, and Speaker who helps entrepreneurs scale a profitable business—without drowning in debt, forfeiting family time, or working in their sleep. Through fluff-free business strategy and hands-on support, she helps her clients and students lose the excuses, so they can find the breakthroughs, cash flow, and joy in their business. 

After trying to solve the growth puzzle for years, Shelagh has become the compass for hundreds of entrepreneurial women on their path to profits. Her mission is to train and inspire others to turn their flame of ambition into a fire that sparks business growth, lights up their life, and spreads their impact without the threat of burnout. 

Shelagh has a Masters in Education (University of Toronto), Effectiveness Coaching Certificate and Strategic Intervention Coaching Certificate. She is also the creator of Productive, an all-in-one business tool designed to take your days from busy to

Check Shelagh Out Online: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn


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