EPISODE 43 | Season 3 Ask Me Anything Q&A with Tasha Booth

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Can you even believe that we’re already in Season 3 of the How She Did That Podcast? I can’t! This season is dedicated to the virtual support pros who have been in business for a while and are looking for some more advanced strategies in the way of hiring & managing team, selling higher ticket offers, taking some time away from their business, and just fully embodying the role of CEO! I am so excited for all of the amazing women I’ve interviewed for season 3 and I can’t wait for the crazy amounts of awesomeness their going to bring!

If you’re still new to the Virtual Support game, fear not! There are lots for you this season, just know that some of what’s talked about should be stuff that you put in the back of your mind for future reference instead of feeling like you have to act on it immediately. When you’re first starting out, building strong foundations is your goal and focus so you’re right where you’re supposed to be!

In this week’s episode, I’m kicking it off with my first “Ask Me Anything Q & A Session”.  Last month, I asked my email list to submit questions that I would then answer on the podcast and boy did they deliver!

Here are the questions I’m answering in today’s episode…

> How did you transition from offering VA services to becoming an OBM/agency? 

> How do you turn work off in your mind when the clock says your workday is over? 

> How did you choose a mentor when first starting out? 

> What’s the difference between a coach and a mentor? 

> What does a Project Manager do and how do inbox management work?

> What’s a “day in the life of” Tasha look like and what are the long term plans & goals of The Launch Guild?

 > What is one thing you think all online service providers need to hear more often that is not said enough?

> What tips and ideas can you share for showing up live or on video for those of us who just can’t gather the courage or simply don’t know what to say. 

> Can you share some other ways to generate revenue without growing into an agency? 

> How did you build the confidence to put yourself out there and market yourself as a VA? 

> Is it better to create your own website or have it created? 

> How you set up your and manage taxes as a VA/OBM?

> As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, how do you do everything? (Biz Owner, Coach, Mentor, Course Creator, Podcaster, etc)

These questions were so amazing and I had a blast answering them.

Check out the full episode now and then come join my Facebook Group where we dive into Q & A super often!

Join the “How She Did That” Facebook Community Today!

About Me!

Hey! I’m Tasha Booth, the host of the How She Did That Podcast and the founder and CEO of The Launch Guild. I started my business almost two years ago and am so excited to share my story with you. Check out my about me page if you’d like to get to know me a bit more. I even share 10 random fun facts!

Check Me Out Online: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn


EPISODE 44 | How She Grew Her Business with Shelagh Cummins


EPISODE 42 | How She Batches with Angie Martinez