EPISODE 3 | How She Prioritized Like a Pro with Jac Julien

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Do you have a to do list a mile long and STILL feel like nothing gets done? Then this episode is for you! My guest today is Jac Julien. She's a clinical psychologist turned productivity coach and she's here to help us eliminate the hustle and focus on what really matters!

As support pros, we're constantly juggling competing client needs. Jac is going to break it down into 3 easy steps to get the needle moving in the right direction so that you can do crazy things like...take weekends off! #WhatWhat??!

Jac & I discuss...

>> Why "hustling" and being a "hot mess" is NOT the goal.

>> Jac's 3 steps to prioritizing more effectively.

>> How to reverse engineer your due dates so that tackling those big tasks feels like a breeze.

>> Why energy is everything when it comes to setting your priorities.

About Jac Julien

Jac Julien experienced a personal productivity revolution leading her to determine there is something extremely wrong about the way we are taught to use our time. Jac uses her experience as a clinical psychologist to help other entrepreneurs understand how the mind impacts productivity. Her four phase system helps overworked business owners break through their barriers to productivity so they can get more done in less time and enjoy the freedom of owning a business.

Check Jac Out Online: Website | Facebook | Anti Hustle Nation


EPISODE 4 | How She Tricked Out Her Google Calendar with Jamie Russell


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