EPISODE 89 | How She Doubled Her Revenue with Shontaye Hawkins

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Today we are talking about strategies that you can implement that lead to doubling your revenue. I know, sounds ideal right? Well, Shontaye Hawkins joins this episode, and she is speaking to us from personal experience! You might think it sounds crazy if we tell you to simply double your prices, right? But...what if that wasn’t so crazy? We know so many of you out there have mindset issues around what you’re charging for your services. Whether you are a support pro charging an hourly rate, or a business owner setting the price for your new course or package, how do you really know what the true value is worth? And then, even once you overcome the mindset piece, how do you take action and make it happen? Shontaye is diving deep with us today to answer all these questions and more. 

CEO and founder of Profit is the New Black, Shontaye uses her extensive finance background to work with small business owners and entrepreneurs to eliminate money mindset blocks, gain confidence and clarity around profit strategies, and provide the knowledge and the tools to build highly profitable six and seven-figure businesses. In other words, she knows how to set you up for success. She has been featured on Fox News Radio, CBS Radio, Black Enterprise, List TV, and many other media outlets across the country, so she knows what she’s talking about! Check out her template below to help you map out your strategy and kick off your journey towards doubling your revenue.

We talk about:

  • Why you are not achieving your revenue goals

  • Figuring out what your revenue goals should be

  • Action steps that will lead to doubling your revenue

  • How to have tough conversations around your prices

  • One thing you can do today to set yourself up for success

Grab Free access to Shontaye’s “Price for Profit” Template"

About Shontaye Hawkins

Shontaye Hawkins, MBA uses her extensive finance background to equip small business owners with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to build highly profitable 6- and 7-figure businesses and turn every day into a payday. Shontaye is the creator of the Ultimate PROFITS System and has worked with top business leaders to build wealth in excess of $1 billion dollars.

Known as the Bottom Line Strategist™, Shontaye has been featured on Fox News Radio, CBS Radio, Black Enterprise, List TV, as well as many other media outlets across the country. She is the CEO of Profit Is The New Black®, a business coaching, consulting, and training company.

Check Christina Out Online:Website | LinkedIn | Facebook


EPISODE 90 | How She Found Value in a VA with Nikki Tucker


EPISODE 88 | How She Took Action & Scaled with Amira Alvarez