EPISODE 77 | How She Uses Her Financial Dashboard with Danielle Hayden

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What does it mean to have financial freedom within your business? Is this something you have achieved? If it is, then you know exactly how powerful and important this milestone can be and why it’s so necessary for us as women to discuss! If you’re currently on the other end of the spectrum and financial freedom is something you are intimidated by or working towards, know that you are not alone and your feelings of frustration and confusion are totally relatable. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it! Luckily, there is a solution for those of you who may be feeling like it’s impossible to deal with what you just don’t understand. That is why today we are talking about all things money. 

Joining us today is CFO Danielle Hayden, co-owner of Kickstart Accounting, Inc. and creator of the twelve-week program, The Profit Planner. With over 10 years of corporate accounting under her belt, Danielle now provides entrepreneurs with the tools and strategies they need to manage their bookkeeping, the resources to grow their profits, and the confidence to finally understand and control their finances! In this episode Danielle shares with us her background on how she gained her experience, some of the patterns she has noticed in her clients over the years, and how she has used her knowledge of all things finance and money management to help them. If this is a topic that you have been struggling to come to terms within your own business, then you definitely need to hear her words of wisdom! 

We talk about:

  • What “financial success” means

  • How that financial success can be sustained long-term

  • What it is that stops people from hiring a bookkeeper, and how to overcome that fear and take the leap

  • How to use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your finances 

  • One thing you can do this week to start improving your financial journey 

Grab Your Free Download of Danielle’s Financial Goal Setting Worksheet!

About Danielle Hayden

Danielle Hayden is a reformed corporate CFO (chief financial officer) who is on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits. After spending 10+ years in the boardroom as a corporate finance officer, Danielle is now in her sweet spot as the co-owner of Kickstart Accounting, Inc. where she helps business owners with bookkeeping, financial analysis, and education and as the author of the Profit Planner book series. When Danielle isn’t crunching numbers on her clients’ behalf or crafting the next iteration of the Profit Planner, you can find her hanging with her two kids as she inspires them to lead their fullest lives or doing any, and almost every fitness-related activity ranging from Spartan races to pilates.

Check Danielle Out Online: Website | Instagram | Instagram Business


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