EPISODE 74 | How She Recovered from Course Launch Nightmares with Steph Taylor

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Whether you are launching a new course, a website, a podcast, or anything else under the sun one thing that we can all agree on is that we want everything to be absolutely PERFECT. Unfortunately, we also know that there is no such thing as perfect and the impossible to plan for often happens. We are only human after all, and can’t predict every little thing that could go wrong or that we aren’t prepared for. The good news is that mistakes are how we learn and improve. The other good news is that there are people out there who exist to help you in prepping your launch to be as close to perfect as you can get, and they worry about the small stuff so that you don’t have to!

One of those lovely people is Steph Taylor, founder of Steph Taylor Co. She is a digital product launch strategist who has helped entrepreneurs in launching their online courses, memberships, eBooks, you name it, she’s done it! She has seen so many of the most common (and uncommon!) launch mistakes in the process, and she knows exactly how to help you avoid them. In this episode, you will hear us discuss some of the launch nightmare stories that we have experienced, how we problem solved our way through it, and ultimately turned them into success stories. 

We talk about:

  • Ways that we can safeguard so that our launches have the best possibility of success

  • How to work through things that go wrong

  • How to avoid a launch that results in zero sales 

  • How to bounce back after a bad launch

  • Why it’s important to be flexible and listen to your audience

Grab Your Free Download of Steph’s Complete Roadmap to a Killer Launch!

About Steph Taylor

Steph is an ex-corporate square peg, launch strategist and host of the Socialette podcast. She helps entrepreneurs launch and relaunch to reach more people, grow their audience and become the go-to in their industry through her signature Firecracker Framework that makes launching simple and fun. Steph does what she does so that fellow entrepreneurs can achieve more impact, create more profit and have more freedom.

Check Steph Out Online: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest


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